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Yarrow hydrolate

Article: 2556
Article: 2556
76 грн
Article: 2556
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Yarrow hydrosol 100 ml

Smell: The smell is quite strong, but not very pleasant. The smell is not floral at all.

Cosmetic use
Thanks to its mild antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it helps with skin problems, acne, and skin infections.
Helps restore skin after chapping or sunburn.
Balances sebum secretion.
Promotes wound healing.
Has an anti-inflammatory effect and is suitable for sensitive skin.
Stops bleeding.
Improves blood circulation, relieves redness, is used for rosacea.
Miraculously soothes all types of itchy skin.
Almost instantly soothes itching from insect bites, eczema, poison ivy, sunburn.
In the form of a compress, or as an aqueous phase of lotion, it is effective for eliminating itching, burning of the skin, and restoring skin cells in psoriasis and eczema.
To prevent acne.
As a healing agent for damaged skin.

о пользе гидролата этого я читала не раз. подруга пользуется уже не один месяц и не знает проблем таких как прыщи и покраснения.... хотя она частенько сталкивалась с таким понятием как демодекс... после использования гидролата в совокупности с дёгтярным мылом она забыла за подобную проблему.
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